Wow! I sure haven't posted in awhile! I just haven't had the time, and honestly got a little discouraged. There are so many AWESOME bloggers out there, and I'm just NOT one of them! Anyway, here I go! :)
So since my last post in JUNE, I moved to a different school. I'm still teaching 6th grade, but am at an Elementary school again and am teaching ONE class ALL day. It's been a big adjustment, but it's been great! :)
Also since my last post, I've been working toward my weight loss journey. It's been a little up and down but I'm proud to say that I'm WELL on my way to my goal weight! I'm going to start blogging about it to keep myself on track and accountable. I really started looking at my eating habits and started counting calories BIG time! I also started focusing on making sure I'm eating more protein, fruits and veggies, and a LOT less crap! I also joined LA Fitness for working out and that has been AWESOME!! When my weight loss journey started I was at my heaviest ever.....188 lbs YIKES!!!!! BUT I can proudly say that I'm currently 161 lbs! That's a loss of 27 lbs! Holy cow!! My goal weight is 150, so I'm only 11 lbs away, and I KNOW I can do this!! My goal is to be at my goal weight by my birthday which is April 7th. So that's 2 months away. I can lose 11 pounds in 2 months right? I need to do it because I will be turning THIRTY!!! I want to start my thirties on the right foot! ;)
During this blog hiatus Aiden turned SIX and Addison turned THREE! My babies definitely aren't babies anymore! It is so much fun to see them grow into little people. Aiden is in 1st grade and he is doing so well. We're still struggling to get his ADHD under control, but he has come a long way! Addison is a sassy little thing and way ahead in her development. She is now in a BIG girl twin bed and she absolutely LOVES it! She still isn't potty trained and doesn't show much interest, but I know it will come!
My Mother In Law is really ill, and in critical condition. She's been on a ventilator since last Thursday. She's had 2 blood transfusions to get her white blood cell count and platelet count up, and as of last night they were starting to come up! She has a very serious pneumonia and it's affecting her heart. We've been doing a lot of praying for her to get well, any extra prayers would be appreciated!
The most recent update is my outlook on life. Following a blog post from my friend
Chelsea, I've decided that I'm going to choose JOY and HAPPINESS for my life. There are too many negative things to focus on, and life is too short not to enjoy it. I've been trying my best to stay as positive as I can and choosing JOY! So far life has been looking pretty good lately :)
Well, I think that's all I can think of for now. To the ONE person out there for reading my blog, THANK YOU!! :) I'll try to keep it up!