
I'm a busy mom who works hard for her kids! Hope you can relate to some of my thoughts!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Teacher Reflections Day 5

Sorry I'm late on posting! Here's Day 5! :)

How do you keep your classroom organized?

Oh my goodness! What is this thing called organization?? I don't think I know what that means, haha! I always try to get things organized but they never seem to stay that way!

Here are a few things I use to try to keep my classroom organized:
- Bins - I use bins for everything! And of course they are all labeled (books, SS HW, LA HW, lined paper, white paper, journals, etc. etc. etc.)
- Trays - I use trays every where! I have trays for homework that needs to be graded, homework that has been graded, important papers, to be filed, and have trays for materials for teaching for every day of the week
- Caddies - I use caddies at tables and desks so there are always materials ready for the students. So they always have crayons, markers, glue sticks, etc.
- Shelves - I use a lot of shelves, my room is bookshelf galore! :)
- Files - I file everything!!!
- My computer - I would absolutely DIE without my laptop! :)
Here's a picture of my laptop amidst the mess of the surprise decorations from my students for my birthday! :)

I'm constantly on the look out for new ideas to organize my classroom. If you have any please share! :)

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